Flossing technique

You know that you should be brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing at least once a day . But for many who don't  practice flossing - Flossing is the most effective way to remove the material between teeth that toothbrushes can ’ t reach . The American Dental Association recommends cleaning between teeth with floss ( or another interdental cleaner ) once a day . Nightly flossing done right 一 is probably the best way to remove plaque and reduce gingivitis . However , when it comes to flossing , what is the best floss to use ? Do you know the different types of floss and which one is best for you ? The most commonly used dental floss types are :- 1. floss thread 2. Floss picks

Flossing technique :- Place the dental floss in between two teeth . Gently glide the floss up and down , rubbing it against both sides of each tooth . Don't glide the floss into your gums . This can scratch or bruise your gums . As the floss reaches your gums , curve the floss at the base of the tooth to form a C shape . This alows the floss to enter the space between your gums and your tooth . Repeat the steps as you move from tooth to tooth . With each tooth , use a new , clean section of floss .